Yavor M.
Great quality, very comfortable, really fast, good range and overall lots of fun!
Ujwal R.
Good scooter, good value as well
Ivana V.
Great scooter, fast delivery (I think it was 4-5 days in total, for a delivery to Croatia).
I switched over from Xiaomi 365 Pro.
Compared to Xiaomi, G2 Master is significantly heavier. It's not too difficult to lift it up and put it in a trunk, however, to carry it up the stairs, even if it's to the 1st floor only, is very challenging due to the size and weight.
It takes time to adjust the driving stile compared to Xiaomi, it is much bulkier and it's difficult to make tight turns. I plan to use Xiaomi whenever I need to drive among pedestrians, in crowded areas etc., and to use G2 Master for longer distances and less crowded paths.
G2 Master, especially in dual mode, is extremely powerful and aggressive - it's a different skillset to ride it. You need to prop yourself with the hind leg and you need to lean forward, otherwise there's so much tension in your arms that it becomes difficult to quickly switch to braking mode in case of emergency.
I still haven't tested the distance and battery capacity.
All in all - great purchase and great fun. Recommended!
David B.
Très bonne trottinette malgrés le colis incomplet
Pawel L.
Scooter is Beutifull but I expected the battery to last a bit longer than my g2 max or atleast 50km in range since it says 70km but no it’s the same as g2 max plus only lasts 25km
Jan Steinar J.
All good so far
Rafael D.
I am very satisfied with my purchase, if I had point a negative, the only thing I noted until now is that the front break is way too strong, even after adjusting it. It is either you press nothing and there's no break or if you press something even at low speeds I can guarantee you that you will no what flying looks like. Interestingly the rear one was a little too soft for my taste but after adjusting it was top notch.
Viktors F.
Nice and fast beast!!!
Mehmet T.
I've bin driving the g3 for a 1 year.
Now this G2 master is much better. The dual drive is is awesome.
The Scott
Csaba Laszlo D.
Powerful mate!
Dury E.
C'est vraiment une excellente trot et elle fait son taff,le bémol c'est un manque d'amortisseur de direction mais c'est vraiment que quand on est plus de 60Km/h,perso je sers fort mes avants bras et après 50 Km je suis toujours en vie pour l'écrire donc c'est bon quoi.
Maintenant je conseille le casque même si pas obligatoire.
Filipe A.
Oh top !!! Puissance avec les deux moteurs vraiment importante..
Tobias P.
Love it tbh, it's all around a good scooter, there could be some really mild improvements like a key lock or an app for locking and settings, but if i gotta be honest those are really mild compared to the quality of the scooter already, definitely worth it for the money
Karen B.
Very happy with our purchase (a KuKirin G2..) Plenty of communication from the company regarding delivery dates etc. It arrived in perfect order (we live in Ireland). 2 pin plug with it so needed an adapter but apart from that it's amazing. Very sturdy, nippy and looks the business especially when it's lit up. Highly recommended.
Petra S.
Nice build quality
Jonathan C.
For anyone wondering Kugoo.eu is a genuine seller. I done my research before buying as I am sceptical about buying online however, From point of purchase I was kept up to speed with everything that was going on with regards to tracking details and exactly where my G2 master was. Only took 5 business days to arrive. This scooter is a BEAST so much fun it gets a 5 * from me.
Great scooter.
Anak M.
Got it last week and I love it so far
Marko M.
Dear friends I am satisfied with your product. Nice looking and practice in traffic. Only the battery is not durable... Maybe it can last not more than half of length from your specifications even I usually drive on single motor. OK, My weight iz 80 kg so it can be a part of reason. Beside that your KuKirin G2 Master Electric Scooter is excellent product as I find out in short time I am using it. Wish you all the best and thank you.
Priit P.
Very powerfun scooter. Fits my riding style. Good desing, buildquality is great and it looks stunning! It really doesn't have any competitors at this price point. It also fits in to a small elevator without packing it together.
Magomed S.
On the whole, I am very satisfied. Fast delivery, arrived safely.
Roller what strikes me 3 - points:
1. heavy by weight
2. driving off from a standstill does not please me Is iäbischen uncomfortable.
3. range with my 100kg I manage with full battery 33km
Otherwise very good, stable and has more than enough Power
Per-Ola H.
Amazing machine! Have had it for some weeks, very happy. High quality build, very powerful, long range (at least 40 km), comfortable. Buy it!
Only improvement area I have, is the throttle response that is a bit abrubt, but perhaps can be adjusted?
andy a.
I have had this e-scooter for 1 week now and I am happy that I went for this brand.
The G2 Master is reliable and super fun to drive, truly a racing monster for rough terrain.
The quality of the scooter is super, feels sturdy.
the only issue is the rear light could have been a bit brighter, but that is the least of my worries.
great product!!
Robert S.
Super teil macht richtig spaß da mit
Guten Tag.
Zum Bremsen einstellen muss man den ganzen Bremssattel ausbauen. Sonst ein sehr guter E-Scouter.
gotov g.
Excellent scooter but cracking back light
Christian K.
Der Scooter hat wirklich mega viel Kraft aber leider sind die Reifen sehr schlecht. Ab 40 kmh wackelt die Lenkung sehr außerdem kann man das Gas nicht gut dosieren
Pocket sizzle
Great scooter. Everything works as advertised. Easy assembly.
Daniel Sasser
Great speed and very sturdy. Lights are great on this scooter as well. Such a smooth glide, very happy with this one.
John Santilena
This is my first electric scooter and it is a blast. I don't see this thing as a toy, it moves! It was able to get me up hills no problem and I go about 125kg. It really looks built to last too!
Geasi P.
There's no comparison to my previous scooter (it was a xioami m365). This one is 1000 times better, much more powerfull, better battery, really like it.
Really nice scotter battery goes for alone time before need recharge
Lăzărean G.
Este o trotinetă electrică foarte bună și rezistentă.Are o autonomie bună și luminozitatea pe timpul nopții e foarte bună atunci când sunt aprinse farurile.Puterea de 2000w mi se pare suficientă reușind să urc niște penți destul de abrupte fără probleme.Singurul lucru care nu îmi place este faptul ca frâna pe spate a început să scârțâie încă din a doua zi și asta mă cam deranjează.Este o trotinetă grea și mare și este mai greu de transportat dar pentru calitățile ei se merită.
O recomand cu mare încredere!
Pen Name
This scooter is outstanding! It is made with quality materials, and has a great run time.
This scooter is very well-made. I love the lights and the reflectors thata??s on it.
Travis Blackwell
Llego antes de lo previsto
Steven Harley
Good deal for the money!!!
Very smooth ride.
Este producto es bueno lo recomiendo
Brad H.
I absolutely loves this electric scooter! It rides well and it goes a long way without having to recharge so quickly! Great seller too!
Love them so far. No complaints whatsoever...I specifically love the way they light up.
Muy bueno
Llego antes de lo previsto
Patrick t Harris
Este producto es bueno lo recomiendo
Ryan Bay
I love this product, quality, easy to use, comfortable, elegant. This scooter has it all!