G4 for test

Shipping Methods 

Our official store and distributors all work with DHL, DPD, UPS and GLS shipping companies for our deliveries. We’ll send the shipping information to our customers by emails as soon as the shipping is started, including the shipping date, the tracking number and the tracking site.


Shipping from

The local EU warehouses. 


Shipping to

All EU countries, except for Cyprus, Malta and some remote islands.



Ship from Carrier Ship to Estimated Shipping Time Order Processing Time
EU Warehouses



All the EU countries (except for Cyprus, Malta and some remote islands) 3-5 business days 1-2 business days
Ireland 3-7 business days 1-2 business days


  1. The shipping time mentioned above is estimated and it maybe influenced by distance, holidays, customs policies, politicalactivities, etc.
  2. The sooner you order, the sooner you’ll get a KugooKirin product.
Shipping Cost
Country Free Shipping
(For Orders over €39.99)
Standard Shipping Cost
(For Orders Not Exceeding €39.99 and Weighing Less than 3kg)
Heavy Goods Shipping Cost
(For Orders Not Exceeding €39.99 and Weighing over 3kg)
Denmark Free €11.00 -
Netherlands Free €11.00 -
Bulgaria Free €13.00 €17.00
Croatia Free €13.00 €17.00
Austria Free €10.00 -
Belgium Free €10.00 -
Luxembourg Free €10.00 -
Greece Free €15.00 €18.00
Italy Free €18.00 -
Latvia Free €9.00 -
Germany Free €9.00 -
France Free €12.00 -
Slovenia Free €12.00 -
Poland Free €5.00 -
Ireland Free €15.00 €18.00
Estonia Free €10.00 €12.00
Sweden Free €17.00 -
Lithuania Free €8.00 -
Slovakia Free €8.00 -
Hungary Free €8.00 -
Czech Free €8.00 -
Romania Free €13.00 €16.00
Finland Free €15.00 €18.00
Portugal Free €11.00 €15.00
Spain Free €12.00 €16.00


Note: Extended area surcharges are required for some remote regions, subject to notification from our customer service.